The upcoming Steiff Auction takes place on November 15th, 2025
TeddyDorado GmbH: The Auction House specialized in fine StuffedToys & TeddyBears
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TeddyDorado GmbH

Auction & Trading House Specializing in Fine StuffedToys & TeddyBears


Marienstr. 2

53343 Wachtberg



Fon: +49 (0)228 - 20 76 758

Fax: +49 (0)228 - 20 76 759

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Follow us on facebook at "Teddy Dorado". Your facebook friend request is very welcome.


Managing director & auctioneer: Carsten Esser (also editorial director)

Place of Business: Wachtberg

Commercial Registration No.: HRB 18059 - Registered at the Registergericht Amtsgericht Bonn.

VAT Registration No.: DE 272190708







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All rights reserved. E.&O.E. Effective August 29th, 2011
